Message sent to the
following individuals and now a permanent blog used for similar contacts and
all to read.
****First short message sent and no reaction****
Sent to CNN, American Senator Ted Cruz and Sarah
CNN, Ted
& you have been contacted Sarah, please your email, most important, 1 ready
4 you.
absolutely sick of them now it's time to start a fight, let’s see what satans
sneaky scared coward realm are actually made of hey.
Who I AM:
Vincent Cleary
AM_Saint Paul
No email received the following message to be
absolutely sick of them now it's time to start a fight, let's see what the
sneaky deceiving cowards are actually made of.
Your link
received today 14/10/13.
Now I am
ready to come out swinging, watch out you bitch satun you spineless little worm
that you are and all in your coward bitch hoe realm - It Be Officially Your
Extinction Time....!!!!
The grubs
lie name is satan he does not want the truth known for Christ Jesus is truth
but the little runts real name is satun spelt backwards is exactly what he is
Why would
satun want you all saying the truth when he can build a lie in you all some
power if only a little it is for his demons to work in you and tempt you to
I hate the mongrel low
life with a passion, satun that is, the lying little runt of an ugly thing that
he is.
Well not hate for this
is of the heart so loathe of the spirit as is Godly
I walk for the God Most
High and not the devil most lowest!
You will
be shocked in the post of 34 pics with comments and you will want to know who
Keminuelle is she has been with me on my heart for 20 years now.
The Main
Facts & Evidence and Undeniable – Unquestionable - Indisputable PROOF -
Now What
Do You All Say
Why the
Pope resigned
It is
directly because of me – Directly because of ME.
priests in the Vatican are friends and constantly reading, now Pope Benedict
XVI resigned because of me and I quote his words in reply “I am standing in
agreement with you” the link is below all via his personal email address.
Amen hey peace forevermore and no more
suffering or hurt children….
It is not long now and satun knows it.
Give All The GLORY to GOD The FATHER of
I Speak My Mind.
My Opinion IS What I Know & I Won't
Change It Until Proven Wrong!
Saint Paul
The Apostle to the Gentiles - Returned
In The Flesh....
Conqueror - Victor for Christ....!!!!
I AM Exactly WHO I Say I AM
For - I AM The Holy SPIRIT
Still to this very day the Unknown God
to the Greeks - The Once Was Until Now - Hidden God, I am only power and not holiness
for I have not been glorified in my awesome victory yet as Jesus has been. Acts
The Quiet Achiever....
BP – Bethlehem’s Paul
Quietly Brilliant….
HTC – Hail The Christ
In the land down under - AUSTRALIA -
The Great South Land of the Holy Spirit
Under the protection of our blessed
Mother Mary
With the big heart of Australia - Ayers
Rock in the middle – My Heart
With the Southern Cross over head and
the stars, the two (2) pointers are God & Jesus and Me the small star in
the middle.
All planned before and spoken in the
creation of the Universe
The grace of Christ Jesus the Lord, the
love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit - ME - Be with you all.
A recent email that prompted this blog, it
sparked me into action.
I sent
the following email the 13th October 2013 to the fool in the
link below and as yet no reaction.
Mr. Fool that is looking for attention & notoriety.
You Mr.
Joseph Atwill are a foolish man indeed!
Read the
following and discover who I AM and then let us see if you can ascertain the
obvious to who I AM fighting and what is going on in the world today this
current day and exactly just what times we are living in, it is Armageddon this
very day.
realise who you have delighted in enjoying your wayward walk from God with and
your gay not meaning homo filth but happy walk, as it is God’s word poisoned by
the spineless coward the devil, and the fact that you are holding the mongrel
lowlife poofs hand helping him to question God.
Tell the
world about this if you want even the moslems for their lying fallen angel
“falsiel” the pedophile evil mongrel in our Church and so called God allah is
marked for extinction and very soon now, very soon indeed!
Do click on the following link first and
read as is stated, there are many people reading my pages of all so called
religions around the world it is a wonder I am not dead by the moslems but no
for they are concerned about what I am saying and it makes sense to them, many
priests are reading, the FBI, CIA, MOSSAD Israeli Intelligence, Australian
Federal Police and The Pentagon.
You will be shocked in the post of 34 pics
with comments and you will want to know who Keminuelle is she has been with me
on my heart for 20 years now.
The Main Facts & Evidence and
Undeniable – Unquestionable - Indisputable PROOF - ABSOLUTELY UNDENIALABLE
Now What Do You All Say
I have many Catholic friends, Protestant
and organisations on my personal pages including other Christian denominations
and not to forget some muslims who are friends monitoring as are so many but
not as moslems but in disguise & secret as are so many others, phantom
readers I call them.
Certain priests in the Vatican are
friends and constantly reading, now Pope Benedict XVI resigned because of me
and I quote his words in reply “I
am standing in agreement with you”
the link is below all via his personal email address.
FACEBOOK - Main Pages....
My personal page all friends linked.
Paul Vincent Cleary
Detailed letters are under the link
“about” all blogs are listed in the link “favourite” notice the oldest 15th December
2011, the link “notes” has all my web links.
I started this page in January 2013 and
the rest slowly followed.
All letters herein are truth and some are
very deep heavy reading to be honest a full week to read and understand them
all and they are inter-twined so linked to each other so realistically a group
of people should sit down and throw questions back and forth. Posts = Over 180.
I AM_Saint Paul
Not fully setup yet, only there so far to
let people know, exactly Who I AM.
I AM_The HOLY Spirit
Four (4) Individual Pages
Community Based:
Mother Marys Christian Children for
Just for Fun:
Love - The Essence of Life
Beauty - Gods Masterpiece
Paul Vincent Cleary’s_Favourite_Quotes
The Main Facts & Evidence and
Undeniable – Unquestionable - Indisputable PROOF - ABSOLUTELY UNDENIALABLE
Now What Do You All Say
Joyce Meyer
The Proof – Undeniable – Unquestionable -
Indisputable PROOF
Joyce Meyer is an American Evangelist and
is very popular in America, she is my special plan and is a friend along with
her daughter but she is ignorant to all the facts, scared more so, you need to
read the post in the first link, all the facts and evidence to my support.
Why the Pope resigned
It is directly because of me – Directly
because of ME.
Certain priests in the Vatican are
friends and constantly reading, now Pope Benedict XVI resigned because of me
and I quote his words in reply “I
am standing in agreement with you”
the link is below all via his personal email address.
Miracle an Angel – ORFIEL
Read this, it will shock you and
surprise you.
Most Important and Significant Posts
more facts
Pic and Comment “Outside the Universe”,
you will quite simply not be able to believe it.
Private Facebook Page for Nicole Kidman
and Keith Urban letter
Mr Paul V. Cleary A.D.E.E
Full professional career in detail
including resume.
Not yet up and running for the world is
not yet alerted
I have many people talking about my pages
and organisations like:
CEO - Catholic Internet TV Network “CITVN”
Stephen DeVol
Hi Paul ...
Great website!
Send me your email address and I will
send CITVN submission guidelines ... and send you the CITVN Featured Lecture
each month.
May God's peace be with your soul!
Kenneth Fisher
I need more support for the CRCOA, Inc.
Sorry I cannot help you at this time.
God bless, yours in Their Hearts,
Kenneth M. Fisher, Founding Director
Concerned Roman Catholics of America,
Founding Director
The Celts – Celtics are a special people
of God they are my family the HOLY Spirit they are ME the “el” well el means
God as in Israel, Immanuel – Jesus Christ, Keminuelle – Goddess of Love,
ArchAngels Michael – Rafael – Yisrael – Samiel – Aruchael and other Angels
Gabriel – Uriel – Remael etc. etc. I have listed them on my page.
It is not a lie, I AM Exactly WHO I Say I
AM and my fight is almost over with Kemi almost ready to appear.
I am the real life Neo of the Matrix and
can proof it with evidence here, I have lived a horrible and cruel life, I am
not yet Glorified to HOLINESS I am only Power, my true form is Powerful Shiny
Black just like space, the shine of space is my Light and space is the HOLY
Spirit, we are all there the Solar Winds are God, Light of the Suns/Son is
Jesus and just like Kemi the Universe is Very Beautiful.
I can tell you so many wonderful things
about Heaven and outside of the Universe; there are four (4) to the Godhead,
the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit and Love - the Goddess Keminuelle.
God of Man Formed from the Earth =
Strength & Might who is Jesus & Father and God of Woman Spiritually
Created = Love & Power it is Keminuelle & I.
So I wait
your reply of either “Wow, so sorry I am so very wrong” or “You are a charlatan
a bigger crackpot than I am?”
Repent seek forgiveness and retract your stupid attack on God or
perish, the answer is easy.
****Email Signature****
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