2nd November 2010
Paul Vincent Cleary
South Coast MC
Email: injesusnameamen
Attention: The Hon Tony Abbott
Opposition Leader
Parliament House
Dear Mr Abbott,
I have sent a letter to The Prime Minister
Miss Julia Gillard to introduce her to an idea I have about a Donation system
and also to Introduce Miss Gillard to Our Lord and Saviour.
The letter is four (4) pages long. The beginning of Miss Gillard’s letter and idea
I have is as follows:
I would like to introduce what I believe
and an Accountant friend of mine thinks is a fantastic idea. We are both Catholics and I would like to
introduce you to JESUS and his Father our GOD our Creator. This is not the fantastic idea but it is
another fantastic idea even greater though!
The idea is not my own although it is of my
mind I am a Christian and being such it is a Christian idea which means
CHRIST. I would like to save your soul
and in doing so show you a life of eternity and not the way you view that I
assume at the end of your life that is the end?
Would you not want to live for ever and
ever amen and along the way change people’s life for the better just think if
you became a Christian how many people in Australia or the World would listen
to you.
Just think the more Good
Christian's out there the better and safer the community, just think how
many people you can reach and life's you can change for the better just like
Saint Mary Of The Cross!
Who knows maybe you could reach out to as
many people as Saint Mary Of The Cross has lets say 2 Million PLUS and they can
all PRAY for support from JESUS through our now Saint Mary of The Cross making
Saint Mary’s name an even greater name for the LORD.
The idea is that every working person in Australia
donates say $5.00 per week out of their pay and those that can afford more say
$10.00 per week. This income if 7
million workers would mean 35 million per week for charity organisation to
obviously support the very need in the community.
This would mean less pressure on the
Government to find resources to support the charities meaning more money to the
needy less people needed to find time to donate and thus can spend more time in
the community helping where needed. And
lets face it people of all walks of life love to support charities so why
wouldn't they support this idea?
Not to mention all the other benefits that would
flow on from such a system being in place.
The system I am talking about is like a Tax if you will similar to the Medicare
Levy where at the end of the financial year a sum is taken out to support a
central funding system that will distribute the funds to the Charity
Organisations in the community whether they be Christian, Jew, Moslem, Buddhist,
Hindu or what ever of course helping those that aren’t a religion but I would
HOPE become a Christian.
The funds can only be distributed to those organisations
that have a proven track record of good morals and standings in the community!
The Southern Cross
isn’t over our nation for nothing it is the great south land of the HOLY SPIRIT
it is JESUS nation all the killing that has gone on in this nation was not
meant to happen it is not JESUS way.
GOD had this planned
and written in the stars for this nation to be so peaceful, wealthy, support
the World and show the World what we Aussies are Capable of. I think Israel
is the other nation that stayed out of Trouble in the GFC, Israel is GOD’S
Think about all the
wealth of resources we have not to mention Centrelink, Medicare and Housing
Commission the Heavenly Deities are looking after this nation.
The asylum seekers why do we have to send
them offshore we have the facilities and infrastructure to support them here surely
it would be cheaper than sending them away and bringing them back if passed. It will help with employment in our own community?
Maybe business can support more I know I
tried to when I was in business! I have
an Associate Diploma in Electronic/Electrical Engineering along with other
certificates I have been to Fiji ,
Greece , Israel , Italy ,
Turkey , Egypt , Kenya ,
Spain , Ireland and all around Australia . This is not meant about me it is just so you
know I can help build on the idea?
God is always gentle tugging at our heart
strings saying Jesus is knocking at the door of your heart why don’t you open
it up and let him in? That is what I
believe when migrants come here and see the Great Christian nation that we are. I know he will start doing the same for you
keep an eye and an ear open for people that you meet, think about their meaning
and purpose for coming into your life.
Please encourage Miss Gillard to see the
letter I have written and support her to become a CATHOLIC through the RCIA
A Brother and Friend in GOD and JESUS!
Yours Sincerely
Paul V Cleary
The following is something I send with my
emails it shows how much I LOVE and support Our GOD and JESUS, please embrace
my feelings.
I Pray that
when your outside on a clear day that you look to the HEAVEN'S at the SUN and
think to yourself, GOD, EL, YAHWEH, is shining his LIGHT down upon us his SON
and think of JESUS, THE CHRIST!
Wonder to
yourself how many Star's (Sun's) are in the Universe, The Heaven's? There are
BILLION'S, and all of it is GOD's, His SON's Light Shining Everywhere, The Work
Of An Absolute Genius!
am not a Father myself but think of these word's for your own son's and please
Just like I am for my FATHER, BRIEN!
23rd December 2010
Paul V. Cleary
Coast MC
Email: injesusnameamen
Attention: The Hon Tony Abbott
Opposition Leader
Parliament House
Dear Mr Abbott,
Thank you for your reply it truly gave me a
Godly needed lift I thought that my idea had fallen on deaf ears I would just
like to say, that the idea I think, somewhere in the back of my mind goes back
to after the Mr Paul Keating election.
I heard on the radio something similar just
after this time and have not been in a position to put it together until
recently I am supported by our wonderful Housing Department, Medicare and on
the Pension, if employed I will not need such support and someone more needy
can take my place so to speak.
I am extremely disappointed with Bob Hawk
the ex-Prime Minister a rogue in my eyes I must admit I voted for him. For him to get re-elected in I think 1988-89
election he state that, “NO CHILD WILL BE LIVING IN POVERTY BY 1990.” And what has the Labor Party done since ABSOLUTELY
NOTHING, just like I have had no reply from The Prime Minister Miss Julia
Gillard although I have had a reply from our local member Ms Sharon Bird MP.
I will be honest I have supported both
parties in my time and voted for the best and most honest potential leader if
not the current one at the time. Think
about this if you got support for this idea how many CHRISTIAN’S NOT TO MENTION
I my view you would be a shoe in and a
have been up until the election. I would
say a clear winner at the election nothing against you of course just that the
Labor Party done a great job for us and your policies where a little hard on
the pocket. Bearing this in mind you
must be in surplus rather than deficit but using foresight infrastructure must
be laid down for the future balancing this can be extremely difficult.
I have intention of publishing in the paper
a two (2) page advertisement on the idea to get support from the community and
then bombarding Parliament House with it.
A financial backer or helper would be wonderful I have no doubts you
would know someone.
People need not be in a position where a
Tax is imposed on them only those that can afford it say above a certain
threshold of $25,000 per year and more.
Maybe there could be in place a system to protect them if living in
financial difficulty themselves and thus they can be supported by the donation
system I know this to be so!!!
Those that earn say above $50,000
contribute $10.00 per week and those on say $100,000 plus contribute $20.00 per
week. The business community will
contribute far more as a business this I know is a fact.
Just think about the control system that
will be implemented for the Government to organise and keep a check on like the
GST. A check on those truthfully
declaring donations on their claim forms and those aren’t cannot anymore. Everybody is honest now because nobody can be
That would mean maybe a saving on the Tax
deduction system that is in place because now everyone is contributing to the
one (1) pool of income which will be distributed out to the community.
BROTHER SYSTEM it is purely a Fair Dink-um Honest Way for People to Help One
If you received this letter before a Safe
and Happy Christmas to You, Your Staff and Family and if you received this
after then I Hope You All Safe and Happy Festive Season.
A Brother and Friend in JESUS and Our
Wonderful GOD!
Yours Sincerely
Mr Paul V Cleary
Discard the letter: Tony
Abbott2a.doc. I wasn't expecting to get
the artwork back for the advertisement at the same time as your letter I was
more eager to get some more ideas to you before Christmas to maybe think
about. I am I guess a little inpatient
to get something started as soon as possible but thinking about it more I
realise that it will take time to develop and put into practice particularly if
you could use it for your Election Campaign that would mean three (3) years
away how many more people must suffer in between now and then?
For the small
outlay in the main newspapers around Australia and public’s response to any
concerns would mean I can put in place great preparation. I think you will have to agree this is the
smartest way to approach the public before bringing it out into the open? Sort of like if you will, crossing all your,
t’s, and dotting all your, i’s. Checking
and double checking.
Attach this letter
with the letter: sample advertisement_reply.doc.
I would like to introduce what I believe
and an Accountant friend of mine thinks is a fantastic idea.
The idea is not my own although it is of my
mind I am a Christian and being such it is a Christian idea which means
CHRIST. I was inspired by what Saint
Mary of the Cross and Mother Mary the Beautiful Mother of our Saviour, JESUS
CHRIST have done for Men through Woman and most importantly for the Children.
The idea is that every working person
in Australia donates say $5.00 per week out of their pay or what they can
afford and those that can afford more say $10.00 per week maybe business can
donate more it would be a good way for the Government to organise company
income if 7 million workers would mean 35 million per week for charity
organisations to obviously support the very needy in the community. That is 1.82 billion per year to share around
the nation and if any left to share out to the World.
This would mean less pressure on the
Government and Charities to find resources for support meaning more money to
the needy less people needed to find time to donate their time to door knock
and such and thus can spend more time in the community helping where needed.
I have experienced on door knocks people
not home that might be able to give this mean we are missing out on good
hearted people.
And lets face it people of all walks of
life love to support charities so why wouldn't they support this idea? Not to mention all the other benefits that
would flow on from such a system being in place.
A friends comments, a reply email after editing some
letters for me, her spelling mistakes and all, I Quote:
“Morning Paul,
Hope all is well with you, Ive
just sent you the three letters that i have retyped.
I am sorry that it took me so long, i
worked 95 hours this fortnight!
Even though the context of your letters are pretty heavy, i must say i did enjoy doing them.
Even though the context of your letters are pretty heavy, i must say i did enjoy doing them.
I honestly think your idea of the
donation system is a good one, i would be prepared to pay out of my own wages
to help others across the world.
For me working in aged care gives me a big feeling of self satisfaction, that i am doing good for others that cant do for themselves, i think your idea would give others that same feeling of satisfaction that in what seems minimal to us, can help others in the biggest way.
For me working in aged care gives me a big feeling of self satisfaction, that i am doing good for others that cant do for themselves, i think your idea would give others that same feeling of satisfaction that in what seems minimal to us, can help others in the biggest way.
You know i am not a christian, but i still think you idea is a good one, i know that there would be others like me, non-beleivers, that want to do some good where ever they can.
I hope it goes somewhere, its too
good of a project to go to waste!
Ok, ill sign off for now, im on my lunchbreak, have a read through, i hope you agree with my edits,
Ok, ill sign off for now, im on my lunchbreak, have a read through, i hope you agree with my edits,
The system I am talking about is like a
Tax, if you will, similar to the Medicare Levy where at the end of the
financial year a sum is taken out to support a central funding system ($5.00
per week x 52 weeks is only $250.00, that’s all). These fund will be distributed to Charity
Organisations in the community whether they be Christian, Jew, Moslem,
Buddhist, Hindu or whatever and of course helping those that aren’t in a
religion but I would HOPE become a Christian.
funds can only be distributed to those organisations that have a proven track
record of good morals and standings in the community!
Support for CHRIST JESUS and the EXISTENCE
of CREATION from ADAM & EVE through to JESUS. www.dokomedia.com/jesus-family-tree-green.html
I wish to get support from all in the
community The following Proof GOD is a Mathematician and that GOD is a GENIUS
embrace what I have embraced about GOD.
Off the internet, a planet I believe named
Sirius, a Jet 747 travelling at 900 km/hr will take 1100 years for it to fly
around it I worked out 8.6724 Billion Kilometers in Circumference and there a
Bigger than that.
The Universe for example, 10 Billion Light
Years to get to the OUTER RIM or edge of space scientist believe, I worked out
about 12000000000000000 years for a Jet 747 travelling at 900 km/hr if my
calculations are correct. And people
believe we will be able to travel at the speed of light that’s at 300,000 km/sec
how can we create gravity in a space craft such as star wars?
From the book I purchased in ISRAEL, AWAKE
MY GLORY, “The different ways of putting together all the elements in a set of
human chromosomes would be the figure 256 followed by 2.4 Billion zeros”. The number of zeros, representing the
“probability” of a happy accident, would fill over 3000 books of 380 pages,
that is 300 mm thick, 150 mm wide and 250 mm long.
From a book I purchased, The Unrandom
Universe, Water cycle during the creation of Earth is one in a hundred trillion
trillion that’s is 1 x 100000000000000000000000000, how distinctive and
unlikely does this factor alone make the existence of life on Earth. The funny thing is that this is in a book
called unrandom and look at the number how can such a thing be a happy accident
I personally believe it should be called random - meaning a GOD planned and
designed purpose called creation.
God is always gentle tugging at our heart
strings saying Jesus is knocking at the door of your heart why don’t you open
it up and let him in? That is what I
believe when migrants come here and see the Great Christian Nation that we are. I know he will start doing the same for you
keep an eye and an ear open for people that you meet, think about their meaning
and purpose for coming into your life.
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