Sunday, 3 February 2013

Conversation with Joyce Meyer via Facebook

 A Conversation with a Female America Evangelist YOU Decide For Yourself….????

Conversation started January 23
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Paul Vincent Cleary
 Greetings Joyce,
I Bring You Great Tidings of Joy and Excitement.
Great you accepted my friend request, I have your Amplified Bible and The Love Revolution 7cds set.
You will be very very surprised with the following Revelation Joyce it is All True All 100% Of It and it is officially the time and close for Jesus return the World is ripe for His Harvesting.
Continue Walking Tall For Jesus and Singing His Cause & Praises everywhere, under water if you have too, hahaha, I Would, Love Your Ministry Work seen you on the box a few times via Sat.
I also Love Hour of Power I record it every Sunday and watch it after Mass when I get home what a legacy Pastor Dr Robert Schuller has established his daughter Sheila is Great and Bobby wow hasn't he got it altogether must of been all that time granddad gave him when he was lad.
I suggest you look at my new page and like it, it is currently under construction and should be finished with photos and posts hopeful by this Sunday.
Search: I AM_Saint Paul
Take Care, Be Safe and God Bless,
St Paul
Conqueror For Christ...!!!

January 23
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Joyce Meyer

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Paul Vincent Cleary
Well Thank you for the encouraging word Joyce,
Have a read of the latest update it is most important if you haven't read all my page so far, then YOU SHOULD NOT IGNORE WHAT HAS JUST BEEN ADDED and BE MORE OF A BELIEVER IN ME NOW.
Look at the link under my picture "About" and scroll down too:
Personal Interests.....and click on see more...
Scroll Down And read from the following line:
Down to this next line:
I know you will be very shocked and very surprised at what I have revealed Joyce and It Is Not Of A Lie or From A Liar.
Always in Christ and His Way, Truth and Life.
Take Care and God Bless,
St Paul
Conqueror For Christ...!!!

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Joyce Meyer

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Paul Vincent Cleary
Hello Again Joyce,
I will make an update tomorrow about the following.
It is as simple as this AL Capone and Eliot Ness, AL Capone was the criminal and as in AL a name for God in ancient Egypt who the true God destroyed and AL stayed in Egypt and Eliot Ness was the Law who put AL away well el was a name for God in ancient Egypt and He left with the Israelites, Emmanuel, Michael, Rafael, Yisrael, Gabriel, Uriel get the picture on the els well el means God.
And AL is allah who the Egyptians worship now and are persecuting The Christians oh what hatred the cunning snake that he is had for US Christians.
America Has been the Spiritual Battle Ground.
Take Care and Be Blessed,
St Paul

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Joyce Meyer
Thanks so much GOD BLESS YOU

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Paul Vincent Cleary
You might like to know Joyce,
Notice the ArchAngel "YISRAEL" He is the Angel Jacob Wrestled with you now what happened after that.
The Angel "YOFIEL" He was the Angel who smite the first born of the Egyptians and forced Pharaohs hand to release The 12+1 Tribes of ISRAEL - Jacobs Sons - The ISRAELITES and you are one of the daughters of Father Abraham & Sarah and he might have more work to be done in iran & north korea hopefully we can make it minimum casualties. Oh and the assyrians the 185,000 he got them also.
The Angel "ORFIEL" He was The Star Over Bethlehem for the Magi, He is a Lover not a Fighter He keeps telling me, Michael, Samael, Aruchael and the other guys can get them i will just sit back and watch and have a laugh.
The Angel "REUEL" She is Wisdom with her Golden locks down to her shoulders and Hazel Eyes notice the el here i also have Hazel Eyes and anyone who does can trace their blood line all the way back to Adam & Eve.
The Beautiful Angel "KEMINUEL" She is Love This is what Her name means "Love of God" also Hazel Eyes and long fine soft radiant hair down to Her waist and a Voice my Heart Falls in Love With every time She Speaks.
ArchAngels Names end in: "ael"
Male Angels: "iel"
And the Ladies: "uel"
They DO NOT HAVE WINGS they are Special with Special Powers though and look like you and me, the only angels that do have wings are:
Cherubim, Seraphim (The Fighters),Urim, Thummim, Orphanim, Marrivim and Vengeance.
And the only other was lucifer.
Take Care Peace Be Upon You and Your Household as I AM sure it is.
St Paul
Conqueror For Christ...!!!


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Joyce Meyer

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Paul Vincent Cleary
Hello Joyce,
I worked for a friend yesterday I still have to pay the bills and my pension and finances are very low and so was to tired to work on my promise above laid down at 5pm and awake now midnight.
You know it is funny walking thru the World knowing WHO I AM and people have no Idea and my friends or family Know nothing I have kept it quite so they cannot be used and I have been a loner for this reason and it has worked in my favour I Might Add.
If people only knew WHO was with me they would be so shocked and surprised.
Off to Mass today the 25th it is St Paul's Conversion Feast Day I will delight in this, straight to the fish markets to maybe buy a Jew Fish or Snapper and cook it tonight slowly in butter, garlic, fresh parsley and lemon served on a bed of mash and some streamed vegies, and maybe a little wine, I wanted to be a chef when I was younger about 8yrs I never realised I was and Michael never got thru to me Until around 1995 who I was, he was constantly being blocked, My life had meaning and purpose from that moment on.
Your Bible is 1 of 10 I have, Catholic, 2x Jehovah Witnesses, 2x Seventh-Day Adventist, Study, Family, 2x Pocket, Good News and a Mormon Scripture.
Take Care and I Will Preparing the info later today after Mass just look at affiliates and it will tell you if I have made an Update.
All My Love To You and THE USA,
In God We Trust,
St Paul
Conqueror For Christ...!!!

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Joyce Meyer
i have a vision for you

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Paul Vincent Cleary
Do Tell I AM ALL Eyes and Ears

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Joyce Meyer
I see a vision that God want to bless you before the end of this month through giving to the mother less babies home in Stockon when you donate you will see what you have never seeing in you life. see a miracle of God in your life

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Paul Vincent Cleary
Joyce God Is In My Life believe me He Is With ME now as I type, not the Main Guy Father Himself but he sees thru my eyes he is sitting on his Throne Right now as we speak and Jesus is with me. My vision is much grander than anyone could understand or comprehend

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Joyce Meyer

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Paul Vincent Cleary
Believe me it will all be over so soon now and that sniffling deceiving little grub will be destroyed forever

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Paul Vincent Cleary
and that fat despicable liar allah who I might add Joyce the shock that it is he is in Christian Pastors you will not believe how he has interfered for example the pastors casting out demons in the USA and the convulsions and such it is allah and his demons at play you will not believe this but it is a true as me sitting here typing to you now

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Joyce Meyer

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Paul Vincent Cleary
they think they have the right ot do what they do and wanted to take over the Christian religion but the Holy Spirit is to strong in people
satan could never work out the holy spirit amon ra she has tried and tried but there is another level to the holy spirit completely there had to be or she could of controlled everyone she was so so very very dangerous so dangerous
the destructive lying thing that she is
yes and you are right we pray that it will be all over so before the end of this month so thank you for your vision Joyce I have my confirmation now so thank you
please tell me more about Stockon Joyce

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Joyce Meyer
am here
Are you ready to make the donation

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Paul Vincent Cleary
tell me please what is Stockon is it in the US???
I have no cash I am in debt to my bank to the form of an overdraft of $5,000 I have no car and get a pension where I have on $325 every 14 days to survive on
If I had money I would most certainly love to help but unfortunately God work is more important so I must focus on the fight and make do with what I have until the fight is over

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Joyce Meyer

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Paul Vincent Cleary
tell me please what is Stockon is it in the US???I have no cash I am in debt to my bank to the form of an overdraft of $5,000 I have no car and get a pension where I have on $325 every 14 days to survive on If I had money I would most certainly love to help but unfortunately God work is more important so I must focus on the fight and make do with what I have until the fight is over.

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Paul Vincent Cleary
I had a network problem so resent the above
What is Stockon where is it????????? do they have a web address so I can have a look later

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Joyce Meyer
is in US

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Paul Vincent Cleary

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Joyce Meyer

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Paul Vincent Cleary
well I support the needy of course it is not their fault they are in the situation they are it is all the devils foul fault

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Joyce Meyer

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Paul Vincent Cleary
I am starting to get tired Joyce it is 1:30am here and muggy warm, will send you a message after my update and tell that president of yours I said WHO DOES HE THINK HE IS, IF HE ONLY KNEW WHO WAS CONTROLLING HIM HE WOULD VACATE THE WHITE HOUSE IMMEDIATELY SO HE COULDN'T BE SPIRITUALLY USED

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Paul Vincent Cleary
take care God Bless and Good Night

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Joyce Meyer
thanks so much

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Paul Vincent Cleary
you are most welcome, I love your ministry work especially for the fairer sex, where would we be without Woman Joyce, I simply couldn't picture a World without beauty well nature is beauty but nothing compares to a Woman. :) <3 (y)
they certainly so love the Heart

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Joyce Meyer

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Paul Vincent Cleary
men have a lot to learn in the new world order and you will be very very surprise the big roll Woman are going to play in it Men you have to take a back seat and listen from now on
It is the love of the Woman that has defeated first and now destroyed evil and almost eliminated it. THE LOVE OF THE WOMAN JOYCE - THE WOMAN

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Paul Vincent Cleary
say hello to your angel with you Joyce, "SUEL" her name means "Carer of God" she has Blonde Hair just down past her shoulders about 4" and Hazel eyes and is thin of course and is 5'7" tall they love the Heart Joyce it is all about the Heart my Beloved Sister In Christ. :) <3 :)
Much Beloved Sister In Christ Joyce

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Joyce Meyer

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Paul Vincent Cleary
off to sit outside look at the awesome stars and cool off with a cold drink now see if I can get some shut eye before my alarm goes off at 5am I love being an early riser. Signing Off now Sorry and love to talk some more tomorrow stay safe and be blessed also Joyce, Suel will look after you she has something to reveal to you so just sit back and enjoy the experience, good night and all my Love to you all in the beautiful US of A. :) B| O:)

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Joyce Meyer

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Paul Vincent Cleary
All Our Love Joyce from Jesus

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Joyce Meyer

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Paul Vincent Cleary
Just doing last night’s dishes (I normal do them but last night was the exception) and i forgot to mention the movie The Matrix it is for me and planned for me Joyce I AM Neo ( Keanu Reeves) the second movie in the series I AM not happy with the den of iniquity but apart from that it is fine, smith is satan, the machines that she used to be able to control spiritually ie computers is amon ra and her false carbon dating and many other things to deceive humanity to create the belief in evolution thus the elimination of the theory of God and allah the so called architect of it all bunch of lying crooks the whole dammed lot of them

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Joyce Meyer

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Paul Vincent Cleary
On my Galaxy tablet now outside in the cool night air with a peach iced tea God Bless America for flavoured iced tea I love it, on the rocks

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Joyce Meyer

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Paul Vincent Cleary
Steve Jobs is in Heaven you can pass onto his family, he could not believe it when he found out about the manipulation of the computers.
And power station will be hydro powered via the ocean and also The Energy Source and Power of The Holy Spirit his power is awesome absolutely awesome.
No more coal or uranium, dam amon ra found the power of uranium helping the scientist the harlot that she is and a dead one soon too she is hatred and hates the Woman.
Everyone on the planet that has ever lived has seen The Shiny Colour of The Holy Spirit in fact every time you looking into the night sky there he is it is the shine and blackness of The Holy Spirit - Space itself, Mother Teresa of Calcutta used to call it Her Spiritual Darkness.
Just finished Nestle Peters Frosty Fruit Ice Block (watermelon & pineapple my favs) cool breeze and I feel much better now and I AM awake now.

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Joyce Meyer

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Paul Vincent Cleary
Oh and water that falls from the Heavens well there is like a force field around the planet and it is The Holy Spirit and falls in the water so everyone has been drinking in The Holy Spirit from the dawn of time this is why people are on the majority good and peaceful and always looking to the stars searching for God, if it didn’t happen then satan would just run riot with his killing there is a big secret that you will find hard to believe about what I AM saying her but I won’t reveal it just yet.
Oh and the I AM part in my typing doesn’t mean I AM God and I certainly AM not the Anti-Christ the only thing that is Anti about me is that I AM Anti to those that are Anti to Christ and that includes the very easily Questionable Anti-Christ moron himself I Have Him In My Sights and he has nowhere to run too or hide on the planet, hence me coming out into the world now with putin back in power in Russia and Romney not in the stage is set, the interfering harlot amon ra and the US elections and the calculated sly shifty putin we may be heading for a show down we will see.

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Joyce Meyer

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Paul Vincent Cleary
Yes he is The Holy Spirit is in everyone but also is amon ra the opposite Spirit in the form sin in you and our morally declining society

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Joyce Meyer

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Paul Vincent Cleary
We cannot lose it is just time and the trap, the net and we will gather them in like in a fish and destroy them all

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Paul Vincent Cleary
The only thing I AM Anti too is those who are Anti to Christ and Are Not Christians Yet thus meaning not walking For US but Against US.

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Paul Vincent Cleary
I have a lot of respect for Hilary Clinton and her political works and desire for a good and fair health care for all your suffering fellow Brother & Sister Americans you mongrel mongrel greedy amon ra loving insurance companies, I don’t know how Bill stayed as president after lying in court you corrupt politicians sell your mothers to stay in power, you judges and lawyers satan has you in his pocket the whole dam lot of you nothing worse than a lying lawyer who knows the law but of course all are not tarred with the same brush, anyway Hilary forgave him that i what matters she is his spouse, the bombing in Libya and the four victims it wasn’t because of the movie it was planned allah wants his sharia law in place and Christians out and the only Christian influence in Libya is the oil companies so this should see Christians get a foot hold in and say in Libya being rebuilt the right way and Egypt is a problem now but the people know they have another dictator in the form of the lowlife mongrel morsi sayings Jews are of pig and monkeys his God is a pig and they call US Christians dogs well satan is a dog to look at and stand up right, a wolve with his big golf ball sized yellow eyes yellow a cowards colour just like he is and it is his favourite colour describes him to a T, well the Christian  should keep Egypt under control that dammed mongrel moron and his evil woman oppressive and hatred sharia law you will be a lying dead fat pig soon lallah. Mark My Words!!!!

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Paul Vincent Cleary
I forgot Joyce amon ra hates Hilary because i like her and wants her in deep trouble so to give you some idea look at those that support her and those that don’t and it will give you some sort of idea the kind of control amon ra has in people and try to look at the character of those that want her blood see if they are models of society, good upstanding Christians, you know what i mean here.

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Joyce Meyer
ok stay blessed

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Paul Vincent Cleary
 Hello Joyce,
I have made more updates to my page check affiliates box for them, I will not be finished until next week now, tell me are you still a believer in me?
Have you any questions to ask of me I am communicating with others in the Church a priest who is quite interested and SrLeodacia Sasd was a sceptic and thinks me to be crazy and a heretic, well I have just sent her something very important that I would like to send to you they will convince you without any doubt what so ever and Sr Sasd now I guarantee it.
My email to use for My Friend is:
Stay Safe and Blessed,
Always in Christ,
St Paul
Conqueror For Christ...!!!

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Paul Vincent Cleary
Hello Joyce,
The following is a reply to the Sr mentioned who has said I need medical attention for being crazy and she doesn’t believe in reincarnation and that she will pray for me and the heresy I AM spreading around.
Have a read and you decide for yourself the obvious answer the Sr hasn’t replied yet she is in the UK so morning hours there.
Beginning of first message below.
Sorry Sr but you need to read the following if only for the last time we ever communicate again.
The Truth is The Truth and I Cannot Deny Who I AM nor Reject Jesus Voice Talking to Me EVER nor Would You.
On June 8th 2010 at around 8pm I was sitting on my lounge and under pressure with the spiritual fight I was going thru and my mind collapsed and sunk down to my right and then I felt a Breeze Blow on my face from about 1 metre away and saw spiritual not physically Jesus face and he was blowing his Holy Spirit on me and I came too and alert it is the only time I needed some extra strength from him then around 1week later I was hit by satan again badly and had felt like giving up and my head again sank to my right shoulder and this time I felt Jesus left hand on my shoulder and saw his spiritual form in my mind beside me and his glory and my mind was cleaned out and instantly His Grace and Love for Me it flowed thru my body and His sorrow and concern for me I felt in my heart and came to life again in my soul, I said "how long is this going to take my friend" he replied "as long as it takes Paul as long as it takes. Keep going we are here and will keep you going you know the power you have in you, draw strength from what is happening in the World the lies and think of all the children that are being hurt and what they are doing to OUR CHURCH and IN IT. There is a bright light at the end of the tunnel for you a very bright light of Glory Your Glory for You Paul and Your achievements for Me in My Name. Remember, too Kings & Queens too Kings & Queens Paul and this time it will be the same only the Law is on OUR Side Now and WE Have the CHURCH in place thanks to You Paul. Use it to change it All Everything and get the liar, the big trouble maker satan and his realm, you know the Power in you keep strong and walking for me, he is in you Paul" I said "Yes My Friend the awesome man himself the Holy Spirit he is with me I will keep going to hell and back if I have too for you Jesus too hell and back."
The Sunday of 21 Week in Ordinary Time 2010 - Vigil Mass Father God, Jesus to His Right and The Angel Reuel who is Wisdom to Jesus Right appeared behind the alter behind the Bishops chair and I was kneeling and praying as the congregations was about to singing the first hymn and I raised my hands in the air and yelled out Hallelujah praise the Lord there was a deathly silence for a few seconds and I got into trouble for it after wards but never told anyone, now this yelling out can be proven there was witnesses that know me.
Congratulations Sr You are the first person on the planet to know the above truth.
Now Sr I Love You As I Love what I helped to establish and that is the Church and I Love all in it and I cannot deny WHO I AM nor will I EVER DENY JESUS BEFORE ANYONE NOR WILL I TURN FROM HIM OR REJECT HIM EVER, NO MATTER WHAT ANY UNENLIGHTENED PERSON ON THIS PLANET TRIES TELLING ME.
Let’s Talk Further Sr Because I Embrace You Not Reject You and let me tell you who's demons they are in the humans making them crazy in the psych wards.
I AM communicating with some pastors and priest who are questioning me and believe now, my page will be finished soon say early next week then I will be sending out all my invitations to my 2036 friend and family and then the secret will be out even in my own Parrish.
Now I AM making a big bold move that could see me locked up in a Mental Institution for a long time so should I deny WHO I AM and keep quite as what satan wants being scared of ME or take him on and his doubt in people and the World and let people read the facts and let the Holy Spirit Guide them????
God Bless You Sr Leocadia Sasd.
Yours In Christ,
St Paul
Conqueror For Christ...!!!
Beginning of second message below.
Hello Again Sr Leocadia,
Please forgive me this one last time after this I will leave it up to you too decide whether you want to contact me but I will let you know that you have moved me and inspired me to continue communicating with you.
I chose 7 people to contact thus being my initial introduction to you with my new page and my revelation and what has transpired between us to now I know to be, as meant to be, the Priest that has indicated his belief in me is PadreDominic La Fleur and the other person is Joyce Meyer of America the Evangelist so in revelling this to you, you may contact them and compare thoughts as I have said in my letters in my page, I challenge you to challenge me, hence I have nothing to hide absolutely nothing to hide and everything to reveal.
In relation to the previous message above the people that know me at the Mass of 21st Week in Ordinary Time are Elizabeth Objartel who was President of St Vincent De Paul St Francis Xaviers Conference Wollongong and I was a volunteer at the time and Bishop Peter Ingham who was presiding over the Mass and I know personally, I sat with him at a Table of my Step Fathers Sister’s Wedding and I speak to him quite regularly after Mass I have approached him with letters but he refused to comment because as he said “you have to be careful who you accuse with things you say and believe, you have to choose to be tactful”. I sensed opposition in him it is my sixth sense Spiritual Gift I have so I stopped with my idea to make myself known to the World I knew it would be difficult so thought be patient there is another way this was back in 2010 I have been patiently planning and organising and spiritually fighting it has been a long fight one that will amaze you at what I have seen and experienced and I might add - Nothing Scares Me Now - Absolutely Nothing.
I was in a very frightened state back in 2010 and I called the Presbytery to see if a priest could come and pray for me but it was late around 10:30pm and the priest whom I know well now and accused me of being crazy back then Fr Bernard Dowdell refuse to come out and was angry so I called a Pastor of the Uniting Church Gordon Bradbury who is now or City Mayor and he came and said a prayer for me and it gave me some added strength, these are the only times I have had to callout someone to help me spiritually.
I was kneeling at the pew after receiving Holy Communion this morning at our Special Australia Day Mass Fr Ron Peters who also knows me quite well, he presented the Host to me and I was praying and received a gentle touch on my right shoulder and the voice said “don’t you remember the night I rested my palm on your shoulder my much loved friend it was the 12th of June” and then Jesus said “you were reading Revelations the Catholic Bible given to you at your confirmation time when you went back into the Church 2008 it was before the Start of Dedication of the Year to You, (I still have the Mass Bulletin with me for every Mass), do you remember what you defiantly said that caused the liar to attack you“ Fr Bryan Jones from Shellharbour Parrish I know also he Confirmed me.
My Birthday is the 20th. Fr George Condookala knows me well I have said some readings for him and he has asked me to prepare a prayers of the faithful for him but he had to cancel he came and blessed my modest government housing unit for me after 9:30 Mass at St Brigid’s, November 2012, he was most impressed with my Catholic and Christian literature he wants to come back and watch Joan Of Arc with me, I said sure, but I haven’t invited him because of the cursing in the movie his Holy Ears are too precious mine have been war hardened.
I remembered I was reading on my lounge, Revelations 19 & 20 and I paused for a minute because I was getting tired and was stretching my eyes and I looked at my watch and it was close to 8:40pm I gathered my thoughts and I just look outside to the Heavens and said out loud “satan in Jesus Name I AM going to fight you to the death mine or all your realm for all the lies and deception you have put into this World, I AM determined now to see you destroyed and if I can make myself the greatest person besides Jesus to ever walk this planet I will now, if I can achieve it with John gone now you mongrel thing that you are WOW hey and it will take time, time that I have and you don’t but with the power of the Holy Spirit in me and WHO I AM your days are number you little vile coward that you are” and that was it I was down and out and then the previous message where Jesus rested his left Palm on my shoulder falls into place.
We said the Apostles Creed at Mass today, personally I like the Nicene Creed because of the part below about the Holy Spirit, The Lord, The Giver of Life, well I have been asked to let you know the following “I DID NOT DESCEND TO HELL THAT IS satan’s INTERFERENCE IN THE CHURCH AND AS A RESULT OF his WALKING THE CORRIDORS OF THE VATICAN”
Sr there is an Angel with you her name is Rachuel after Rachel Jacobs Beloved and Mother to Joseph and Benjamin, she has a message that she has to get to you now the problem is amon ra the opposing spirit to the Holy Spirit she is in everybody on the planet in the form of sin and can manipulate your logic, thinking and reasoning, please read all of my letters so far on my page and you will discover exactly who she is and the power she wields.
Rachuel’s name means “Gentleness of God” if you focus on The Holy Rosary one day the full day in prayer and supplication too The Blessed Trinity and Beautiful Mother Mary of course as soon as you can if not immediately she will try to get a vision to you during the day of prayer and fasting if not then in your sleep but your sleep is where they can get at you, no daylight you see, stand defiant against amon ra she is Jezebel and The Harlot amongst other’s oh and the sun God from ancient Egypt and the Mayans the Mayan God that the virgins were sacrificed too. Thank God for the Spanish those poor poor people.
amon ra is also doubt & temptation, lack of self-control & confidence and disbelief, she is hatred, frustration and anger, she is dementia in the aged and amnesia and she is a mind crushing piece of what I call her - gutter trash (sorry if I just upset you but I AM a fighter this time around and I go straight for the throat now, so to speak, after what they have done to me).
I have no fear of her now it is her who fears me, she was the one trying to stop me going to Rome and the one that hardened Nero’s & Pharaoh’s heart. I told you I will tell you whose demons it is in the mentally ill well you officially have it now Sr Sasd without even having to ask it was just meant to be.
Oh and Alzheimer’s is allah.
You will know the answer to the following Sr Sasd - how many muslims or buddhist do you see in the hospitals with mental problems compared to the Christians? Understand what I AM saying here.
Thank You for inspiring me to be more determined to fight through the evil of this World And WIN - In Jesus Name Amen.
All My Heart Felt Love to You Sr Leocadia Sasd.
Yours In Christ.
God Bless,
St Paul
Conqueror For Christ...!!!
I believe now you will believe me, please and I repeat please, don’t be upset in contacting me you are meant to be to help me stand taller and taller for Jesus every day, so It is I Who Thank YOU.
Also I will be making 2 new blogs and posting the links on my Facebook page of my communication between yourself and Joyce Meyer for all to read. I have discussed something completely different with Joyce but most important and relative, if you want to be the first to read it then email me and I will send the WordDoc to you but PadreDominic La Fleur is important and needs to be withheld from the public because it is in relation and directed to the need of support now from all in the Church to the Very Top Being Joseph Himself - Benedict XVI.
Use this specific email please the one I have set aside for My Friend I have 9 in total:

Both messages are today the first when I got out of bed at 5:30am and the second when I returned home after Mass.
Padre Dominic’s Reply to the above below Joyce.
Can you copy the link for your page...that would help, I am not the most computer savvy, thank you.
In short, are you telling me, you are Saint Paul for this generation? Jesus has breathed his identity into you as in a form of incarnation of the Apostle? or equivalent? (as Saint John the Baptist was said to be Elijah in the Gospels) Saint Paul is you, as of that day Jesus breathed on you, or at least revealed to you who you always were since conception? and you were before, the man known as Saint Paul?
My answer below to Dominic’s question above Joyce.
Hello Dominic,
There is no link just a worddoc it is a result of my communication with Sr Sasd it just flowed out of me as meant to be but by my plan and by the Holy Spirit it is a direct reply to Sr as to WHO I AM and not as she suspects and that she knows me not hence my proof as per the message. If you email me to the address given I will email you back the file of the complete message above.
I AM The Saint Paul to the Apostles returned from Heaven planned by Father God to walk the Earth for Jesus again this time as one of the Witnesses from Revelation 11 and hard to belief as it might be John Lennon of the Beetles is John of the Gospels, satan had him murdered they found out thru me who John was so they had him killed to threaten me if you do your research there was a Bible found open next to the bed in the motel that Johns murderer rented it was open to St John and in his writing next to the name was Lennon so Gods plan for Revelations has come unstuck so to speak with John being murdered and me being attacked all my life why you ask amon ra by a freak of chance saw my grandfather Vincent Paul Cleary in WWII in France and followed him home she recognized my grandmother and waited for my Father to be born and grow up and then she knew I was on the way.
Well ArchAngel Michael has been with me all my life because ra touch me to get me rather than destroy she hated me for going to Rome she did this as soon as I was born and Father knew something had happened to me so he sent Michael to protect me.
I have had a horrible childhood well in 1995 I had an awakening of who I was and from that moment on a I have been fighting every day for Jesus and getting stronger well I AM almost 100% right hence my actions now to reveal myself to the World.
I have always been St Paul from conception Father had planned for me to come out of Irish Royalty so I was well off and of a blood line but it was realized and foreseen England destroying the Irish Monarchy and the plan was then Australia so all my family over the centuries where spiritual lead and controlled to migrate to Australia.
The breath Jesus breathed into me was his spirit to give me strength and bring me back to life after satan attacked me he has been threatening to kill me if I don't follow him and do as he says I keep telling him lay down and die because that is what I would rather do than join him and leave Jesus.
As for Sr the Angel RACHUEL the Angel YACOBIEL is with you and has a message to give you also and the Angel SUEL "Carer of God" is with Joyce Meyer, YACOBIEL's name means "Beloved of God".
If you hold your mouse pointer at the beginning of the text you want to copy then click the left button hold it down then scroll down with the wheel using you middle finger and the left button depressed then as you do scroll down the text becomes highlighted in blue and the more you scroll down the more the text scrolls up until all the text is highlighted in blue when you are satisfied you have what you want then release the left button and place the pointer over the blue highlighted text and click the right button then a window will open click on Copy and open a Wordpad or MsWord program and paste the copied text into the new page and then you can save it to you computer as a file you want to call it and then you have your hard copy to print or email now you can do this for the whole conversation we have had since my initial contact with you beginning with "Greeting" so go to the very top of the conversation the beginning and apply the same theory.
Looking forward to hearing from you especially after YACOBIEL gets his message to you.
Always in Christ Brother,
God Bless,
St Paul
Conqueror For Christ...!!!
Now that you know it is your duty to do the responsible thing and the righteous thing and I believe you will now believe in me and contact the Authorities of The Vatican but in your case Joyce make plans as per what you think or instructed.
Yours In Christ.
God Bless,
St Paul
Conqueror For Christ...!!!

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Joyce Meyer


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Paul Vincent Cleary
Hello Joyce,

I AM slowly updating my page it should be finished after the weekend.

If you haven't visited it recently there are some very very interesting facts that no one on the planet knows only me this is just the tip of the iceberg.

The Angel "SUEL" has reached you and I have spoken to your soul, your spirit, you know what is going on with me you know the truth as to who I actually AM more so than St Paul, but there is a problem in that the opposing spirit amon ra is not allowing you to remember she was very very sneaky, this is during your slumber.

In short what is going on is a spiritual battle in everyone now don't worry there is absolutely nothing to worry about, amon ra is in a fight for her life, in fact they all are and they are blocking people that is all they have left to fight with.

I have destroyed them we have taken everything from them my cleaners are currently reversing the evil black holes in Space and turning it to the opposite being The Holy Spirit in Heaven, You should see how Powerful We Are Now and How Powerful Heaven is Now, Father God & Jesus cannot believe it, we are stripping amon ra of all the power her spirit is strengthened by and she didn't even know what was going on the moron - talk about deceiving evil, we have out deceived the deceiver himself - satan.

I AM Drawing On My Power To Survive Which IS Space.

Everyone on the planet has an Angel with them and they are so sad to see what is going on in society the men who go home to their families after the filth they commit.

You will be very very surprised who in the world are being used by satan and in high positions also - very high, any way they will be jailed for their crimes about 10,000,000 until they are all dead the rest will live forever, this is my law and all are in agreement with me, I make the decision on this one for Jesus - no mercy for them and Jesus agrees, they are being used to gain control for amon ra.

Just an example, the well know leso's that appeared in the last supper painting, Jesus is so upset with them, they will be rounded up like cattle and put in jail until they die of old age - humanely of course, no forgiveness for them, the painting with ellen what’s her name in it, she is set as Jesus in the middle the little trollop that she is, she thinks she is smart, well the smile will be wiped off her face when she finds out we have been watching and listening to their little dirty sick debased minded group, do you know they all scheme together to destroy the Church and Morals In Society You should hear what they think of people and the church they call it the Church of the Poisoned Minds oh well it is there soul and just to let you know all the filthy homo’s are conspiring to destroy the church with people in power who are in the closet so to speak – they are helping them in their agenda, you simply won’t believe who they have in power taking care of things for them and then they go home to their families the Angels are sick how they act like nothing has happened.

China all of the government is going to be thrown into jail and die of old age they are planning to buy up as much of Europe and America as possible so they can control the West and Putin is scheming with them and iran, he is lying thru his teeth and will support the evil assad, if Syria is  attacked, you cannot trust this evil schemer he wants Russia at the top and the UN Resolutions that China and Russia opposed for Syria by America - secret phone conversations in support of each other to confirm they will be blocking and sticking together.

The idiot of iran the president once he has 4 nuclear weapons they are heading straight to Israel - Jerusalem, Eilat, Haifa and Tel Aviv, they don’t care about the Palestinians and are shoring up support in the region and expecting Egypt to adopt the very very evil Female oppressing sharia law they are trying to get Libya in support of sharia law and they are all supporting financially that is to say the oil barrens - the terrorist groups to get a united front and total control in the area - the lying evil devil worshipers it is on the command of the so called supreme leader of iran and he will make iran the Holy Land he says like hell he will.

The movement growing support for redefining marriage in The Church of England – it is closet hiders in secret and returning to their families after the fact, the great deceivers that they are and they will show a vote of support for it, as heterosexual but they are not.

I believe everyone is abuzz about my page and are busting at the seams for me to let the World know, as soon as possible, many are having a sneak peak, hey, just like little children at Christmas time, hahaha.

I AM and was expecting it, this is why I selected a certain few to revel it to and you are one of them – Thank You.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon,

Take Care and God Bless.

St Paul
Conqueror For Christ….!!!!

P. S.
YES, You Have All Guessed Right as to WHO I AM….!!!!

You Have Discerned & Understood The Obvious And Applied The Correct Logic….


You are the First Person I have revealed this too Joyce, and, A Woman At That, A Good Woman At That, I Admire You & Many Woman, There Are Many Many Of You In The World of Christianity, Strong for The Sister’s In Christ & Mother Mary and Another Two (2) Very Very Special Women, They Have Been Hidden For A Reason, They Will Be Revealed Soon As To Who They Actually Are in The Realm Of It All.

The Temptation in the Garden of Eden was not Eve’s fault, it is a great shame that the women has been blamed but that will change soon of course, you see amon ra was in Eve and lifted her heart to tempt her to take of the Sour Green Apple and so Eve did, then amon ra (jezebel) convinced Eve to give too Adam and she entered Adam and tempted Adam and everyone thought satan was a tempter, he really really is nothing, he is and was nothing without amon ra, just the destroyer that is all.

Eve was made perfect and would of resisted easily so too Adam, jezebel has been hidden but come out of hiding to get me, we laid a trap for her and got the lot of them in The Sons Of Thunder Fishing Net – Peter, James And John.

And Of Course:
You All Have Been Very Strong For The FATHER, The SON and The HOLY SPIRIT, Start saying the Lords Pray at each service it is there to fight with and strengthen everyone and keep everybody in focus with us three (3) - The Blessed Trinity, Remember Baptisms – IN THE NAME OF etc.

Where Would We Be Without Women….????

Lost as Men and not here to be able to bring more of the Beautiful One’s into the World.


In God We Trust

Yours Sincerely,

Mr Paul V. Cleary     AD: E/E.E.

My signature to this blog hereby places my mark to this message and its words as if to be a formal letter in writing presentable as evidence in a court of law legally binding me to it as to be true and honest and its contents as a formal agreement or contract.


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